

Sampling Life Spiritually Podcast

I’m grateful to have been interviewed by Kenzie Costar for her podcast, Sampling Life Spiritually.

In the interview I talk about busting the stigma around plant medicine, why it’s essential to heal emotional traumas and how to identify them, and the importance of building a meditation practice.

The BeeHive Podcast

I'm grateful to have been asked to speak about meditation with Omar and Tarnveer on The BeeHive Podcast. Here I share more of my life story, how meditation has helped me, and answer some esoteric questions about my experience.

Tune in to hear what I have to say about Secret Societies, the Akashic Records and the Kundalini Philosophy.

I highlight throughout the podcast that we must stop judging ourselves so harshly for this just creates resistance in our energy. It inhibits the natural flow of life force energy we all have. When we can stop judging ourselves and move into self acceptance we come into alignment with our natural state of being.

I also touch on getting out of the way of our own bias. Be open to the quantum possibilities that are in your energy field by not putting limitations on what is and what could be.


It Takes a C-Tribe Village Podcast

I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to virtually sit down with Sahr Saffa and discuss the mental health epidemic that’s sweeping our generation on the C-Tribe podcast.

During this discussion, we addressed the importance of mental health and nurturing ourselves, how to adapt in a world where we’re “always-on”, and how vulnerability actually shows strength rather than weakness.

As some of you may know Sahr and I have had history but through forgiveness we’ve remained friends.

I know the evolvement of our relationship is an example to those who are struggling with abandonment, rejection and betrayal of past lovers.

I really want to highlight the fact that if we didn’t accept and forgive each other for everything that went on in the past this podcast would’ve never happened.

How amazing is it that we can now work along side each other as friends and enjoy the journey of life with nothing but love and gratitude.